The Archaeological Institute of America promotes a vivid and informed public interest in the cultures and civilizations of the past, supports archaeological research, fosters the sound professional practice of archaeology, advocates the preservation of the world's archaeological heritage, and represents the discipline in the wider world.
The Cincinnati Local Society of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) supports the AIA's central mission and is hosted by the Dept. of Classics at the University of Cincinnati. Founded in 1905, it is one of the oldest of the more than 100 local societies of the AIA in the U.S., Canada, Athens, and Iberia. AIA local societies are run by and for their own AIA members, giving individual members the satisfaction of being involved in the AIA on both the national and local level.
AIA headquarters sponsors national lectures annually for each society. But the heart of every AIA Society is its locally planned programs -- field trips, local tours, symposia, film festivals, and study groups -- as well as additional lectures organized by each society. Members of local societies enjoy a full program of activities throughout the year that serves to foster and enhance their interest in archaeology.
More information about the local society will be posted soon.