Please join us for our Aegean Celebration 2, on the occasion of the transfer of the Aegaeum series and the International Aegean Conferences to UC Classics, the appointment of Professor Robert Laffineur as a Rawson Visiting Scholar, and the 30th anniversary of the arrival of Nestor, the bibliography in Aegean studies, to UC Classics.
The event will take place on March 13th at 5:00-6:30 pm in Blegen 308.
Carol Hershenson (UC), “Nestor and UC Classics”
Prof. Robert Laffineur (University of Liège), “The History and Significance of Aegaeum and the Rencontres égéennes internationales” and “Polychrysos Mykene: Mycenae Rich in Gold”
If you would like to attend online, please email gaignefm@ucmail.uc.edu.