Alice Crowe, a Ph.D. candidate in the UC Department of Classics, has received the Archaeological Institute of America’s Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellowship in the archaeology of the Bronze Age Aegean for the AY 2020-2021. The award supports her dissertation project, entitled “Beyond the Walls of the Labyrinth: A Site-wide Perspective on Final Palatial and Postpalatial Knossos,” which is a study of the Greek archaeological site of Knossos (Crete) in the 15th through 12th centuries B.C. Rather than focus on Knossos’ palace, where most scholarly attention has been directed, her dissertation looks at how the site in its entirety functioned, examining developments in both elite and non-elite parts of the city. She analyzes assemblages from the “mansions” and “villas” of Knossos’ city center and material discovered in more peripheral areas of the site, including surface finds collected by an intensive survey of the Knossos valley. During the Fall semester, she will use the award to fund her stay at the Knossos Stratigraphical Museum, where she will examine artifacts held in the museum’s storerooms.
Crowe is the third UC Classics graduate student in the last decade to win this award.