Congratulations to the Troy team for the publication of Troy Excavation Project Final Reports: West Sanctuary I. This hefty 571 page volume presents the Archaic through Classical period remains from the West Sanctuary, first excavated by Blegen. The volume includes chapters by Carolyn Aslan on the Archaic period, Kathleen Lynch on the Classical period, and Mark Lawall on the Archaic and Classical amphoras. John Wallrodt did the handsome layout of the publication including image preparation, and Brian Rose and Kathleen Lynch did the final editing. John also shepherded the publication through its many stages of preparation.
The volume is dedicated to Getzel Cohen, who negotiated the department’s collobaration with the University of Tübingen for new excavations at Troy. Getzel was also an indefatigable supporter and fundraiser for the Troy project. (Join the department on 18 April for this year's Cohen Memorial lecture by Emma Dench.)