On Saturday, March 2, the UC Classics Club staged a Roman comedy, Plautus’ Amphitruo, using a new translation by Prof. Caitlin Hines and Ph.D. candidate Allie Pohler. Prof. Anna Conser directed a cast of students and faculty, including Classics undergrads Alyssa Hoffman, Jaimee Booth, and Meara Couvillon; CCM actor Patrick Comunale; Ph.D. candidate Alessandro Battaglia; and professors Marion Kruse and Kathleen Lynch. Classics students filled many production roles, including stage managing (Meara Couvillon), producing (Matt Wabler and Michael Shobe), creating the poster and program (Sarina Duncan), and arranging original musical accompaniment (Amanda Stokes and Hunter Torosian). The evening was filled with mischief. As Prof. Marion Kruse narrated a battle scene, musicians came in with a military drum beat that eventually – and hilariously – culminated in sampled guitar riffs from Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.” At a point where several pages are missing from the manuscript tradition, Prof. Caitlin Hines stepped on stage to explain, only to be interrupted by the characters Mercury and Jupiter, in what turned out to be a very clever meta-theatrical scene. Around 70 people attended the performance, held at Probasco Auditorium. The show was followed by a lively Q&A addressing translation and production choices, as well as the historical context of Roman comedy more generally. Classics Club plans to make this an annual tradition, so stay tuned for Fall 2024!